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Zabbix 5.x的Template Module ICMP Ping浅析

来源:Ghost系统之家浏览:时间:2023-08-14 09:09:46


Zabbix 5.*默认自带了模板Template ModuleICMPPing。它用来监控主机或设备的存活状态以及网络情况,主要是监控丢包率和响应时间两个指标。Template ModuleICMPPing模板有三个item,如下截图所示:

Template Module ICMP Ping的配置




[root@Zabbix ~]# yum list installed | grep fpingfping.x86_643.16-1.el8@zabbix-non-supported


yum install fping -y

由于fping默认是root权限工作,而Zabbix Proxy或ZabbixServer是zabbix用户运行的,所以需要对fping程序设置setuid权限,如果在自定义key的时候需要用到netstat命令,也同样要设置setuid,否则不能获取到数据,而日志中提示权拒绝。

locatefping/usr/sbin/fping/usr/sbin/fping6/usr/share/doc/fping/usr/share/doc/fping/COPYING/usr/share/doc/fping/ChangeLog/usr/share/doc/fping/README/usr/share/man/man8/fping.8.gz/usr/share/man/man8/fping6.8.gz#chownroot:zabbix/usr/sbin/fping#chmod 4710 /usr/sbin/fping

2:在Zabbix Server和Zabbix Proxy端的配置文件里面打开注释



Option: FpingLocation# Location of fping.# Make sure that fping binaryhas

root ownership and SUID flag set.## Mandatory: no#Default:#FpingLocation=/usr/sbin/fping ### Option: Fping6Location# Location offping6.#Make sure that fping6 binary has root ownership and SUID flag set.#Make emptyif your fping utility is capable to process IPv6 addresses.##Mandatory: no#Default:# Fping6Location=/usr/sbin/fping6


在被监控的主机或设备上应用这个模板,或者在其他模板中引用这个模板(很多翻译是“链接的模板”,个人感觉这个翻译怪怪的),如下所示,在TemplateOSWindows by Zabbix agent中引用了Template Module ICMP Ping模板,那么只要应用模板TemplateOSWindows by Zabbix agent 就会监控主机或设备了。

Template Module ICMP Ping的选项介绍

在被监控的主机或设备上对应的“最新数据”(Latest data)——“Status”下面有三个监控项

ICMP loss

ICMP ping

ICMP response time


Defaults, limits and description of values for ICMP check parameters:

ParameterUnitDescriptionFping's flagDefaults set byAllowed limits

by Zabbix


packetsnumbernumber of request packets to a target-C


intervalmillisecondstime to wait between successive packets-p1000


sizebytespacket size in bytes

56 bytes on x86, 68 bytes on x86_64-b56 or 68


timeoutmillisecondsfping v3.x - timeout to wait after last packetsent,affected by -C flag

fping v4.x - individual timeout for each packet-tfping v3.x - 500

fping v4.x - inherited from -p flag, but not more than 2000


In addition Zabbix uses fping options -i interval ms (do not mix up withtheitem parameter interval mentioned in the table above, which corresponds tofpingoption -p) and -S source IP address (or -I in older fping versions).Thoseoptions are auto-detected by running checks with different optioncombinations.Zabbix tries to detect the minimal value in milliseconds thatfping allows touse with -i by trying 3 values: 0, 1 and 10. The value thatfirst succeeds isthen used for subsequent ICMP checks. This process is done byeach ICMP pingerprocess individually.

Auto-detected fping options are invalidated every hour and detected againonthe next attempt to perform ICMP check. Set DebugLevel>=4 in order toviewdetails of this process in the server or proxy log file.

Warning: fping defaults can differ depending on platform and version - ifindoubt, check fping documentation.

Zabbix writes IP addresses to be checked by any of three icmpping* keys toatemporary file, which is then passed to fping. If items have differentkeyparameters, only ones with identical key parameters are written to asinglefile.

All IP addresses written to the single file will be checked by fpinginparallel, so Zabbix icmp pinger process will spend fixed amount oftimedisregarding the number of IP addresses in the file.

ICMP loss掉包的案例截图:

ICMP ping掉包的案例截图

ICMP response time 就是时延或者响应时间



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