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Percona Server 5.5.44-37.3/5.6.25-73.0 发布

来源:Ghost系统之家浏览:时间:2023-03-01 08:09:12

Percona Server 5.5.44-37.3 发布,此版本基于 MySQL 5.5.44,包括其所有 bug 修复,是当前 5.5 系列最新的稳定版本。此版本现已提供,也提供在 。

Bugs 修复

Symlinks to libmysqlclient libraries were missing on CentOS 6. Bug fixed .

RHEL/CentOS6.6OpenSSL package (1.0.1e-30.el6_6.9), containing a fix for CVE-2015-4000, changed the DH key sizes to a minimum of 768 bits. This caused an issue for MySQL as it uses 512 bit keys. Fixed by backporting an upstream 5.7 fix that increases the key size to 2048 bits. Bug fixed(upstream ).

innochecksum would fail to check tablespaces in compressed format. The fix for this bug has been ported from Facebook MySQL 5.1 patch. Bug fixed(upstream ).

Issuing SHOW BINLOG EVENTS with an invalid starting binlog position would cause a potentially misleading message in the server error log. Bug fixed(upstream ).

While using , the slow query log was rotated every time slow query log was enabled, not really checking if the current slow log is indeed bigger than or not. Bug fixed .

If variable was set as a command line option or in a configuration file, its value would not take effect until the first flush was made. Bug fixed(Preston Bennes).

Prepared XA transactions with update undo logs were not properly recovered. Bug fixed .

Variable now supports skipping the logging of stored procedures into the slow log entirely with new OFF_NO_CALLS option. Bug fixed .

其他 bug 修复:(upstream )。更多改进内容请看。

Percona Server 5.6.25-73.0 发布,此版本现已提供在和 。

此版本基于MySQL 5.6.25,包括其所有 bug 修复,是当前 5.6 系列最新的 GA 版本。


Percona Server实现了。

Bugs 修复

Symlinks to libmysqlclient libraries were missing on CentOS 6. Bug fixed .

RHEL/CentOS 6.6 OpenSSL package (1.0.1e-30.el6_6.9), containing a fix for CVE-2015-4000, changed the DH key sizes to a minimum of 768 bits. This caused an issue for MySQL as it uses 512 bit keys. Fixed by backporting an upstream 5.7 fix that increases the key size to 2048 bits. Bug fixed(upstream ).

Some compressed InnoDB data pages could be mistakenly considered corrupted, crashing the server. Bug fixed(upstream ) Justin Tolmer.

innochecksum would fail to check tablespaces in compressed format. The fix for this bug has been ported from Facebook MySQL 5.6 patch. Bug fixed(upstream ).

Using concurrent REPLACE, LOAD DATA REPLACE or INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statements in the READ COMMITTED isolation level or with the option enabled could lead to a unique-key constraint violation. Bug fixed(upstream ).

Issuing SHOW BINLOG EVENTS with an invalid starting binlog position would cause a potentially misleading message in the server error log. Bug fixed(upstream ).

While using , the slow query log was rotated every time slow query log was enabled, not really checking if the current slow log is indeed bigger than or not. Bug fixed .

Fixed possible server assertions whenare used. Bug fixed .

If variable was set as a command line option or in a configuration file, its value would not take effect until the first flush was made. Bug fixed(Preston Bennes).

mysqld_safe script is now searching for library, needed by TokuDB, in the basedir directory as well. Bug fixed .

Prepared XA transactions could cause a debug assertion failure during the shutdown. Bug fixed .

Variable now supports skipping the logging of stored procedures into the slow log entirely with new OFF_NO_CALLS option. Bug fixed .

TokuDB HotBackup library is now automatically loaded with mysqld_safe script. Bug fixed .

其他 bug 修复 , , and 。更多改进内容请看。

Percona 为数据库服务器进行了改进,在功能和性能上较 MySQL 有着很显著的提升。该版本提升了在高负载情况下的 InnoDB 的性能、为 DBA 提供一些非常有用的性能诊断工具;另外有更多的参数和命令来控制服务器行为。

Percona Server 只包含 MySQL 的服务器版,并没有提供相应对 MySQL 的 Connector 和 GUI 工具进行改进。

Percona Server 使用了一些 , ,对 MySQL 进行改造。



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